Saturday, June 27, 2009

Chapter 8 Blog 4- Norms

Chapter 8 Blog 4

This is one of my favorite concepts- Norms! The reason I like this concept is because it is so important. I cannot count how many times I have ran around my organization re iterating the norms that I feel my subordinates need to follow. The text states that norms are the informal rules that designate the boundaries of acceptable behavior in the group. The main thing organizations are trying to do is maintain a solid and positive relationship with customers at all times. We want them to have positive experiences and memories while they are a part of our organization. At the same time, it is vital to maintain the level of professionalism required that keeps you within the designated “norms” of your organization. Treating customers like they are your close friends and family by talking about certain things is completely unacceptable. You must be cordial and professional while you conduct business and remain friendly and credible. I think that when someone is hired at an organization, they should be trained and educated on the individual norms that that company abides by.

1 comment:

  1. Like in any social groups, there are going to be norms. Norms are the socially accepted values, beliefs, and attitudes of a group. Like with your norms in your organizations, I have norms to follow in my fraternity, family, and other groups that I belong to such as the Filipino culture. I think norms is what makes a group of people organized as norms sets us a guide on how to act in certain situations with different people.
