Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chapter 10 Blog 2 - Training and development

Chapter 10 Blog 2

The concept from chapter 10 that I found I most identified with is training and development. Training and development directly relates to formal and informal efforts to help develop employees skill. This is an important function of management and is necessary in helping to develop employees. When employees are well trained and knowledgeable about their product or service is seems like that is half the battle in obtaining organizational success. The more they know the more they can offer the clientele in terms of products or services. In my experience as part of a management team at a clothing store, the more my employees knew about the clothing lines we carry in terms of their history, manufacturing process and fit the more the customer trusted that they were buying a quality product. Basically the more we could tell the customer about the product the more interesting it seems and the customer feels like they are getting more for their money…and great service!

1 comment:

  1. I agree that training is a vital part of any organization, not only can employees be trained on what new products are out there, but they can also be trained on how to deal with conflict, how to become better managers, how to deal with sexual harassment, and so on. By keeping employees up-to-date organizations are benefiting because their employees are experts and are no longer stuck in the past. As a swim coach I have to be constantly updated on lifesaving practices and CPR and if I did not constantly go over those procedures I would not be fully ready if my skills were ever needed.
